Um trio de envelopes com bolhas metálicas douradas sobre um fundo de peles brancas de pelúcia, acompanhado por um anúncio da revista Dior, criando uma apresentação luxuosa e elegante.

Envelopes com bolhas metálicas

Aluminized film is a polymer film coated with a thin layer of metal, one of the metalized films. This advanced technology is called physical vapor deposition. Aluminum is the most common metal used for deposition. It could provide a glossy metallic appearance to a padded bubble envelope without adding cost or weight.

This special process is widely used in the packaging industry, not only in the metallic bubble mailer we gonna introduce below, but it is also involved in food packaging. No one can deny that packaging with greater sparkle is more competitive than the ordinary type.

Types Of Metallic Bubble Mailer

There are types of metallic bubble mailers in Mailerbagfactory. And they are distinguished by their colors.

  • Pink rose gold
  • Champagne gold
  • Gold rose gold
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • …….

If you have your own favored color, but didn’t see it in the list above. You can contact us at [email protected], our expert will answer you the first time we receive your message.

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Os seus sacos são feitos e entregues

O que torna a Mailerbagfactory digna de confiança?

Somos uma empresa de embalagens especializada no fornecimento de sacos de correio personalizados para estúdios, marcas e empresas. Durante os últimos anos, desenvolvemos 5 tipos de sacos de transporte para satisfazer os diferentes requisitos de transporte de mercadorias. Empenhados em fornecer uma excelente solução de sacos de encomendas para os nossos clientes, muitos especialistas experientes foram convidados a juntar-se a nós. Eles podem ajudar a aperfeiçoar o seu design dentro do seu orçamento. Pode clique aqui ou envie-nos um e-mail para [email protected] agora para obter um orçamento.

How to Find Out The Proper Size Of Metallic Bubble Envelopes?

Size of the packaging depends on your products. Specifically, depends on the length, width, and height of your products. As you can see, metallic bubble envelopes are padded. That is to say, you have to leave space in the length and width of the bag when you need to ship three-dimensional products like boxes, books, etc.


Width of the mailer bag= width of the products+ height of the products +4 cm

Length of the mailer bag= length of the products+ height of the products +2cm